Call for Book Manuscripts

If you are interested in submitting a proposal or manuscript, we hope the following information will help you and answer your questions.
Submitting your book proposal to KSP Books:

To reach out to potential authors in the market to write on particular topics, KSP Books Editors are always pleased to hear directly from those with book ideas relating to Economics and Bussiness (with Finance, Econometrics, Management) subjects or industries. If you have a book idea you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The form below is intended to guide you through the key information we need regarding content, scope, and audience to consider your book idea for publication:
Template proposal form (download)
If you are unsure of the correct contact, please send your form to including the following details in the subject line of your email:
Book proposal in [subject area] / [author name: working title]
E.g. Book proposal in Economics / David: Applied Economics
Advice on preparing your proposal

We recommend you keep the following in mind when preparing your proposal:

Table of contents – At a minimum, include chapter titles and a brief description of each chapter. Include major subheads if you have them. Make sure the subheads are clearly descriptive of the content, and not merely clever.

Your intended audience and its needs – Describe who will buy this book and why. Try to quantify the size of the market and the extent to which it is growing. Include any available demographic information on your target reader. Tailoring the content and features of your book from the outset to address the needs of a particular audience will help to make it a success.

Competing resources – List other available books that the reader for your book might purchase as an alternative. Describe how your book will offer the more appealing alternative. Do not include competitive books that are widely different in scope or format from your proposed book. If competition to your proposed book exists, responding to the strengths and weaknesses of that competition in what you include will help us to position the book clearly for our reviewers and customers.

Clarity and discoverability – Help our reviewers to understand your planned content- and later in the process, potential readers to discover your content – by choosing a working book title and chapter titles that clearly describe the material you are covering using the most relevant terms.

E-mail your proposal to:

When we receive your proposal, our editors will review it and we will let you know if we are interested in pursuing it further. It may take our editors up to four weeks to come to a decision.

A proposal may be rejected for a number of reasons, including but not limited to quality of writing, market need for the subject, appropriateness for the series or imprint, author credentials, and duplication of idea or concept already published or under consideration by KSP Books. Even though we might reject your proposal, we reserve the right to publish a book by a different author based on a similar idea or concept.
If you do not hear from us within four weeks, you should assume that your proposal has not been accepted. If your proposal meets our high publishing standards, we will contact you to discuss the project in more details.

Call for Journal Papers

Dear Scientists and Researchers,

EconSciences invites Researchers and Scientists working in the field of Economic Sciences to publish their work.

Some of the World Famous Economists whose Articles/Books was published in EconSciences: Milton Friedman (In Memoriam); Robert Solow (Translation); Steve Hanke; Jim Cicarelli; Walter Block; Atila AbdulkadiroÄŸlu (Translation); Werner Bonefeld; Hiroyuki Taguchi; Thomas Fullerton; Jan-Erik Lane; Hiroaki Hayakawa; Heinz Schimmelbusch and many more...

December 2022 issues of KSP Journals are published. In this issue, high quality papers of reputable authors are again presented for the readers. I thank all the authors for their contributions. We will announce these new issues to the whole world.

Also we are expecting papers (Article, Book Review, Conference Notes, Doctoral Thesis Summary and Interview) from all of you for the following March 2023 issues. We will be really glad if you direct your colleagues to us.