Journals: Accelerating Scientific Discovery

Get to know 10 academic journals that started their publication life in 2014.
These Journals continue to be published by scientists who do scientific studies in the field of Economic Sciences to publish their papers. The journals are international in nature and have published the papers of scientists from more than 100 countries so far.
You can also find the papers of the world famous economist. For example; Robert Solow, Milton Friedman, Steve Hanke, Hiroaki Hayakawa, Kevin Dowd, etc.
All Journals are open access. You can freely read, download and share all articles with scientists.
To send papers and get more information, you can read the explanations below and follow the links on the buttons.

EconSciences Journals

EconSciences Journals publishes scholarly journals in a wide range of academic fields, including economics, politics, management, international relations, Public administrations, sociology, social thought, social sciences, humanities (etc.). These journals deliver original, peer-reviewed research from international scholars to a worldwide audience. All our journals are available in electronic form in conjunction. All journals are available for free download online.

The EconSciences Journals invites high quality submissions in economics, and cognate disciplines on topics. Contributions based on original empirical research and employing a comparative international approach are particularly encouraged.

The EconSciences Journals incorporates a policy section that contains applied articles addressing important questions relating to economics and etc. topics. While these articles do not necessarily have to contain new academic research results, they are subject to the same refereeing process as our academic articles. Suggestions to the Editor for specially themed policy sections are welcome.

EconSciences Journals supports the UN-SDG goals.

Our journals are published quarterly (March, June, September, and December).

Continuous Publication Model: Econsciences Journals is published under the continuous publication model. To disseminate accepted works more efficiently, the Econsciences Journals adopts a continuous flow for receiving and publishing articles. This means that articles are evaluated, reviewed, and published as soon as they are ready, without waiting for a specific issue to be closed.

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Journals published by EconSciences Library are listed below: