
Jan-Erik Lane

University of Geneva, Switzerland

e-ISBN: 978-625-6861-88-6
Publishing Date: January 8, 2024
File Size: 2,215 MB ‎
Length: xv + 62 pages (PDF)
Language: ‎ English
Dimensions: ‎13,5 x 21,5 cm

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It is possible to present a brief summary of the subjects that the chapters in this book focus on.
The mind-body problem receives new attention, partly under the inspiration from the success of quantum mechanics. Here I will discuss reductionism. The mind-body problem remains central to modern philosophy, no doubt stimulated by the progress in brain research. Following Thomas Nagel’s article on bats, one may similarly examine one of history’s champions. I will also deny reduction or physicalism, though my argument is very much simpler than Chalmers (1996).
One may argue that modern social theory must be relevant for political science. But modern social theory has a strong inclination towards subjectivism: is this relevant for political theory? I do not think so, because subjectivism is in reality a philosophical position, consisting of a theory of epistemology for the social sciences which is not only wrong but borders on nonsense. Modern subjectivism, or as it is somewhat ludicrously called: `post-modernism', is basically the ambition to crush what is called `objectivism', by launching a special version of 'subjectivism', i.e. a theory regarding what social science knowledge is all about. Thus, subjectivism is an argument for a new epistemology for any kind of social theory, includi4 political science, replacing the major objectivist arguments of the 20th century.
Philosophy of science pays meagre attention to the social sciences and humanities. It deals with basic questions in the natural sciences like Hempel, or general epistemology like e.g. Putnam and Kripke. Popper is the main exception.
In the 21st century there is a new debate about so-called Western values. The beliefs of the occidental countries are attacked, as concealing contempt for other countries, spoken of as orientalist, Muslim or Buddhist. Yet, Western philosophy can only be equivalent to “OCCIDENTALISM” when focused upon truth, truth telling and freedom of choice.
The analytical-synthetic distinction keeps being of great interest. But why? Analytical sentences are camouflaged tautologies. They are not falsifiable, neither in this Kant’s world or in any of Leibniz’ possible worlds.
The 21st century will most probably be the last one for mankind. First, the threat of nuclear confrontation is imminently present in the Ukraine war, where with escalation, it becomes global. Second, global warming will make life unbearable. There is no strategically viable way out of the heating up of the planet, as every state cheats. Now, we have 425 ppm.

1. What was it Like to be Caesar Crossing Rubicon 49 B.C.?2.- The Analytic-Synthetic Distinction and the Social sciences
The Rubicon story
Sinn: Mean and ends 49 B.C.
Rational means-end intention
Mind-sets are contingent facts

2. Ten Subjectivist Dogmas: Or Why Political Science Should not Adopt the Philosophy of Modern Social Theory
What does subjectivism claim?
Subjectvisist dogmas
Modernity and objectivity

3. Fundamental issues in social science
A few chief issues
Analyticity 2

4. Occidentalism Questioned
Capitalist exploitation
Environmental gap
Eastern polities
West and East
Occidentalism today

5. The Analytic-Synthetic Distinction and the Social Sciences
Denying analyticity
Democracy: Many meanings
Real definition of democracy

6. A Philosophy of Pessimism
Pessimism 1
Putin and Russia
Nuclear warfare
Logic of nuclear warfare
Pessimism 2
Source of pessimism: State egoism
The present rules over the future

Jan-Erik Lane

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Born in 1946 in Gothenburg, Jan-Erik Lane was raised in Stockholm and Malmö. He finished his school education in the classics in 1965. At university og Lund and Umeå he took grades in History, Political Science, Economics and Philosophy. He has held tenured positions at Umeå University, Oslo University and Geneva University. Invited as full professor, he has taught at several universities like e.g. Singapore, Hongkong, Cape Town, Rotterdam, and Jerusalem as well as Freiburg in Breisgau.

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